Cigars come in different shapes and sizes. The size of the cigar you choose depends entirely on your taste and the time you have to enjoy it.
Cigars with a larger ring gauge tend to be heavier, heat up less quickly, and burn more evenly and slowly. In addition, the larger cigars are usually better built because in most cases they are rolled by more experienced cigar hands.
When choosing a cigar, it’s important to make sure that the wrapper is intact and has a healthy shine. The cigar must have a clear bouquet and can’t be too dry or brittle because this will affect the taste.
A good cigar should not be too firm or too soft. In addition, the wrapper shouldn’t be too veiny, because then something probably went wrong during the various inspections. The colour is also a pretty good indication. A darker wrapper will usually have a stronger and sweeter taste. This is because a dark wrapper contains more sugar.
Finally, age is an important factor. During the ageing process, cigars gain additional richness and complexity, just like a fine wine does. Heavy cigars, especially the thicker ones, mature better than the mild ones. Milder cigars, especially those with a light wrapper, rather lose their bouquet if stored for too long. That’s why you shouldn’t wait too long when smoking a light cigar.