Cigar specialist and concept store
De Kelle Cigars
Nadine and Willy De Volder-Sterckx take over newsagent De Kelle in the center of Overijse.
Due to increasing health problems, Nadine and Willy decide to leave the shop to their son Christof.
With a background in the hotel industry, Christof gradually puts his own spin on the store. The book and comic book collection is growing successfully, elevating the classic newsagent to a comic book specialty store.
The digital revolution of the past few years has made it difficult for both publishers and newsagents. Thanks to De Kelle’s specialization and quality, the business continues to grow steadily. Christof and his wife, Nancy, even decide to expand and exchange their newsagent for a larger establishment on Brusselsesteenweg in Overijse. At this new location, Christof and Nancy have the opportunity to develop an all-round concept store (with a focus on cigars).